King’s Kids

Our purpose in King’s Kids is to mobilize, equip, reach out and care for children, youth and families knowing God, bringing Him joy and making Him and His Kingdom known.

The founding Scripture we’re building upon is encouraging us not only to talk about Biblical principles, but to also practically apply them in our every day life situations and pass them onto the emerging generation in the most natural way:

These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)


We believe that in every period of human history and especially today, children, preteens and teenagers have a God-given destiny and spiritual capacity.

We believe the emerging generations can know, love and serve God.


Our weekends are open to all preteens (10+) and teenagers (13+) and aimed at practical discipleship topics on following Jesus in everyday life.

The schedule is filled with games, prayer and creative activities, short teachings and reflections as well as kitchen chores, fellowship and much more.

What makes these weekends special:
  • various age groups (10-12 and 13+) are not separated but rather integrated so that the older ones may learn to take various responsibilities and lead by example.
  • a space for quiet time with the Lord and his Word.
  • our young leaders participate (along the YWAMers) in preparing the program; they’re given opportunities to pick up challenges and grow in their giftings.
  • we live by the principle “Giving, not just receiving” – the weekends are not only about fun and ourselves but also about serving others.

Usually there are three spring weekends and three fall weekends in a year.

Besides running and organizing these weekends, we also provide materials and training to communities, churches and parishes enabling them to organize similar events of their own.


Pass it on

The Good News about Jesus and his Kingdom is too good to keep it only for ourselves!

Therefore we wish to share it with anybody and in any possible way.

Mission outreaches have led us and our kids to elderly people’s homes; next to the fountains at cities’ main squares; to a summer camp in a gipsy settlement or a Christmas show for poor or lonely.

Jesus is sending us to all the ends of the Earth – our vision therefore includes taking young missionaries beyond the borders of Slovakia and even Europe, during our summer mission outreaches.


Our vision is not only minister to kids but also provide training to all children and youth workers to do a better job.

3D stands for three age periods: Detstvo (Childhood)=> Dospievanie (Puberty)=> Dospelosť (Adulthood) and also emphasis of importance in transition of a child into an adolescent and later their passage into adulthood.

3D is offered to animators and youth ministers (prayer group, Sunday school, church youth etc), and/or parents/teachers who wish to get a deeper understanding of specifics and needs of the kids in their target age group and serve them more effectively.

3D basic elements are Teaching => Praktical training => Sharing experience

3D Trainings are offered at our YWAM Lučatín Center or upon request possibly directly at your own location.


Approaching Change

The word preteens describes children at age approximately 10 to 12.99 years . It is a very unique and specific period of their life. This is an age when children are slowly approaching adolescence and all the dramatic changes start to occur – physically, mentally, emotionally, spritually…

Our program of preparation for puberty is addressing this particular season. It is a series of meetings for preteens providing them with both theoretical and practical readiness for adolescence.

During the meetings we open various “hot” topics while also offering the kids some practical skills falling into the Ready for Life categories.

The goal is preparing the kids for the challenges they are going to face during their adolescence years and encouraging them to accept more responsibility in their life.

Another aspect is strengthening relationships between the parents and their children before the latter set on a complex journey of their puberty. Therefore the parents are involved in the program in various ways.

The whole series is ended by a small celebration during which children and parents celebrate this very special passage in their life.


Besides organizing local preteen programs (approximately once a year) we also offer training and materials for groups that are interested in running a similar program in their own context – whether it be church youth, a parish, or a school class.

If you are interested in a similar training, don’t hesitate to contact us.



The word NIKO in Greek means to overcome, to conquer.

The NIKO is a 5-day outdoor program during which the participants are faced with a series of challenges and invited to overcome themselves in various ways. They learn a lot about themselves, meet God in unexpected circumstances and experience the power of fellowship and team cooperation.

NIKO is suitable for participants over 15 years. We usually organize it once a year towards the end of the summer.

Do you like adventure? Are you ready to give up your rights and allow God to teach you in the great Classroom of Life right in the centre of beautiful Slovakia? Are you already a NIKO staff and would you love to come and help along?


Tomas and Zora Šipöcz

We’ve been married since 2001and have 6 children (represented in all age categories – starting with the terrible two’s, through teenagers up to a young adult). Our full-time involvement in children and youth ministry within YWAM started in 2012. After 10 years in missions abroad where we completed our Principles of Children and Youth Ministry (PCYM) training we have joined the YWAM Slovakia team in order to pioneer the local King’s Kids.

We believe that every child is unique and already from their early years can know God, hear His voice and discover His will for their life.

We long to see a generation of those who seek Him with their whole hearts, building God’s Kingdom and bringing joy to His heart.

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